For wordless Wednesday I posted a photo of Uyaana taking a bath in a Sterilite Tote (the best bush luggage ever)at Iten's camp. Fellow Alaskan blogger, Ishmael, over at
Kodiak Konfidential said..."That is so great. Times sure have changed.... when I was a kid in the village it was a galvanized metal tub that we bathed in, just like the kind you'd see hanging on a barn down south or something. What a hoot."

Well, funny thing is there
was a galvanized tub available, see it hanging on the porch post?
I really like both the zoomed in pic and the soomed out where you can see the tub in the background. They are just great. He looks so happy to be bathing in the tote. I think this is another one of my favorite pics of yours. Have a great rest of the week!
That's great!
I'm more of a fan of the Rubbermaid totes over the Sterilite. I've owned both, and never had a Rubbermaid break like the more brittle Sterilites do (both bottom corners and lids).
Ah, the days of stacking a handful of them together empty and flying into the big city to load up at Freddy's, Wally's and the Keg.....
I so agree though about the plastic tubs being great camping luggage. We always take a couple of them along on camping outings to carry food and stuff in (though I'm a rubbermaid girl myself).
I've never thought to bathe in one, however, lol. We have a solar shower deal that we set on top of the truck, and that has to suffice.
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