Looks like it is caribou time on the lower Noatak River.

There are lots of caribou moving around between Hugo Mountain and the lower canyon.

There bears are out and moving around eating whatever is available. They are in a big hurry to fatten up for the winter.

I think that the land along the river is the most beautiful this time of year.

It is getting colder and starting to frost at night. The frost starts to change the color of the tundra to rich reds and rusts.

There were brief periods of rain here and there...

... but mostly the weather was beautiful, clean and crisp. Fall is my favorite time of year.

And the caribou were plentiful, running up the bluffs...

...running along the river...

...or calmly munching as they went along their way.

Loooved these photos! Man, it would be SO cool to be as close as you were to get them!
Well, except for the bear print, lol.
Great pics! Of course, now I'm all hungry for reindeer sausage... gonna have to grab a pack of ground roo and make roo sausage tonight :)
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