This is "Rush".

He's Uyaana's new puppy.

Rush is a "Kotzebue Special". Mom is a black mutt and the father is whatever was roaming the neighborhood that week.

I think he looks like his dad was one of those Alaskan Huskies mixed with German Shorthaired Pointer. Look at that red nose and freckles.

When I asked Uyaana why he named the puppy Rush he said, "Cause when he grows up he might be fast".

Kaija keeps wanting to bite his collar off.
Whatever he is - he's adorable! My dad used to raise Brittany Spaniels - so I'm a sucker for rust colored spots!!
Awww, Cathy...he's adorable! And I love that your son was just thinking ahead, lol. Does Uyaana have plans to mush Rush? (lol, couldn't resist).
Aw he's cute! Yay! Now we'll have a steady stream of puppy photos! :D
Puppy!!!! Great name!
I've been told that a good name for a dog contains certain sounds - sh is one, tj is another and k is also good. Your son is wise beyond his years in calling the dog Rush.
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