I worked a 12 hour day today and I have some serious brain drain. This post has been put off for several days, but here it is now.

Last week I was in Juneau, if you were wondering where I was.

I got to drive around on the crazy steep streets.

It rained the whole week. I think I came home moldy.

This house look familiar Anj??

I went to the Governor's mansion.

Had coffee with Alaska's First Lady :)

And had my crotch sniffed by the First Dog, Annie. It was a great trip. See you next year Juneau.

Great photos!
In the group photo at the Govs Mansion, you wouldnt happen to know if the tall girl at the back left(glasses,blue sweater,long hair) is named Courtney by chance?
Ok, I showed the picture to my son and he said yep, its Courtney :) He is deaf and we know Courtney through her work for the AK School for the Deaf.
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