Here are a few photos I took of cow moose in the vacant lot between the Homewood Suites Hotel and the Motel 6 in Anchorage. It's much easier to take photos of moose in the city than it is in the country. She had an audience and couldn't care less.
Here is a great video made by the 5th grade class in the village of Quinhagak, Alaska. Quinhagak is a village of around 680 people located 71 miles southwest of Bethel in southwest Alaska.
If you would like to read more about Quinhagak or any other Alaskan village you can go to the State of Alaska's Community Database page.
It's stormy and windy and snowy outside but it is warm and cozy inside. I had a nice day at the last Christmas Bazaar. Sold some prints and had a good time with good people. I had to get a new cell phone today. My Blackberry was beginning to freeze up all the time for some reason. I got a new Samsung Galaxy S (i9000) and the learning curve is steep. I struggled for a long time trying to figure out the calendar. I hope I grow to like that dang phone because right now it is not my friend.
Nope, I haven't dropped off the face of the Earth, but hoo boy has it been busy. I just got back from traveling and today I started a new job. So I haven't forgotten you all. Hopefully I will have a chance to post some new stuff soon. Until then you can always go back and re-read some of the old stuff.
...that you can fit six 50 lb totes, two 40lb bags of dog food, two cases of milk, one multi pack of wrapping paper, three backpacks, one rolling suitcase, two adults and one kid in a Ford Taurus?
Sunset behind the Kotzebue Long Range Radar Station dome. This used to be the site of a small airforce base but the radar inside the dome is now fully automated.