Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Drill Baby Drill???


I hope not. Can you imagine millions of gallons of oil gushing into an ocean that is covered with ice nine months of the year? How would you even attempt to clean that up?

Oil & Ice - Dan Rather Reports from Alaska Wilderness League on Vimeo.



Dog Hair in my Coffee said...

I love the FB group you "joined" - 'Stop the oil spill by stuffing BP executives into the leaking pipe'
Seems rather appropriate...

Anonymous said...

Thank-you for sharing the clip. I hope they do not drill either.

gpc said...

I am glad to see this. I hope they are not so reckless as to go ahead with the drilling. BP has proven that the industry has no idea what the risks or remedies are.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this. I, too, hope not, but worry as many still don't understand we have to decrease our dependence on oil. We must not 'Drill Baby Drill", and we need to be diligent in voting for leaders who will take a strong stand against any and all new off shore drilling.
The price the gulf is now paying is mounting by the second. Soon the effects of this oil spill will likely be felt all the way to my home state of North Carolina.

One question. If Shell is prepared for an oil spill when drilling off the coast of Alaska then why not share that knowledge with BP? I don't believe they are anymore prepared for such an event, were it to happen, than BP was.

Anonymous said...

All these comments are so ignorant of the true facts. If the US government don't drill locally some other government will just drill somewhere else. Drilling in Alaska for oil will make the US less dependent on imported oil and create thousands of jobs. The drilling just need to be beter regulated to ensure that the kinds of of spills don't happen. The other thing is that the effects of the BP oil spill is over exagerated by the mainstream media.

Cathy said...

That is probably the most ignorant comment I have read in ages. Thanks for your armchair wisdom anonymous.

Jaco Kleynhans said...

Its so easy to call someones comment 'ignorant' without explaining why you say it is an ignorant comment. The reality is that much more pollution are caused by the production of items that China export to the US than by local oil production. What happened in the Gulf is absolutely terrible and BP need to be held responsible for that. But to say that you can't drill for oil in Alaska (especially onshore like in ANWR where drilling will be much safer) just because of one terrible accident somewhere else is more ignorant! If Obama decide that local oil production need to be lowered (read: stop offshore drilling) will you stop driving your car and rather walk to work and back?

O and sorry for posting my previous comment anonymously. I'm Jaco Kleynhans a huge supporter of your wonderful blog - all the way from South Africa!

cheryl twobears said...

I dunno Jaco -I thought the writer's ignorance noted by Cathy was rather glaring - 'true facts' and all (as opposed to what: false facts?). Most people in lower 48 (can't speak for AK) know who won American Idol for the last 5 years running but still probably can't name any sitting cabinet members in the current U.S. administration or name anyone on the supreme court (who get to make decisions that affect everyone's lives for very long time), and they certainly dont understand the energy market. Whether that oil is extracted from ANWR or Kuwait or the southeastern US Gulf coast (where I am), it's all dumped onto the market, controlled and priced by oil-producing countries AND THERE IS NO WAY TO TELL WHERE IT CAME FROM WHEN YOU PUMP IT INTO YOUR HUMMER. So, when Anonymous commenters state that we need to drill here, drill now, so we are not dependent on foreign oil, it's IGNORANT. What's needed is a 21st solution to energy needs to an ever-increasing demand - population growth is exponential not mathematical and we have not hit the inflection point yet-- not a 19th century "energy plan" as written in 2001 by "president" cheney behind closed doors with Enron and the like.
I wouldn't open that pandora's box about 'pollution', china and its production of little plastic gizmos. Supply and demand. Get out your macroeconomics book, better yet, read Wealth of Nations and get back to me.

Always Learning said...

Thanks for posting this. I had not seen/heard about it (of course, right?) and shared it on my facebook page. People need to be aware! Please keep us up-to-date.

On another note - love your blog! Have been reading for some time now. Just started my own. :)